How to make Your Kids happy on Christmas

You will hear many saying Christmas is met for kids, though it isn’t true, it shows how much you have to make your kids happy on this day. In this article am going to share with you, simple tips you can use make sure your kids are super exited on this day.

1: Ask them what they like

During the 2 weeks before Christmas start a conversation that is totally unrelated to Christmas and ask the kids what they like, for example you may ask them what they would like to have on their birthday. This will allow you to spy on them and know exactly what they like.

2: Ask them to write letters to Father Christmas

In the week before Christmas ask them to write letters to Father Christmas and tell them to write what they would like to have on the special day. This will confirm what exactly the kids need on Christmas. Having written their letters ask to put them in trees outside and promise them Father Christmas will take them at night. Remember to trust them no one else will read the letters except Father Christmas.

3: Take the letters your self

Keep an eye on them till they go to sleep and make sure they are asleep. Go outside to the trees, open the letters, read them and find a place to hide them. In the morning let them check if they were taken. You have to be also surprised by what happened.

4: Buy them what they asked

Having read their wishes, the next step is to go the market and buy them. Yes, kids are kids, and they might have written things that are too expensive or even what are impossible to get, just find the simple one they will still be happy.

5: Place them outside where they left the letters

The night before Christmas they will all have doubts if in the morning, they will get what they asked Father Christmas, don’t promise them anything just be in same place as them. Again, keep an eye on them and when they have fallen asleep just place the gifts in the place where they left the letters.

6: Take them to church

OfCourse in that morning they will be very happy, and they won’t accept what they are seeing, as a Christian parent just take them to the church and ask them to thank Father God for the gifts he sent them. After church try to teach them some Christmas good morals like sharing what you have with others, am very sure they will welcome any good massage you will share, and it will forever stay to their mind.

7: Take them to places with other kids

Taking them to places where they will find other kids of the same age, first it will make them feel confirmable and second it will allow them to share with them the big story of what they saw in the morning.

8: Ask their feedback

At the end of the day ask them how the day was and their experience, this going to help you to understand if you did the job right and will give ideas of what to improve next time


Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. If there is anything you wanted to ask, feel free to pass through the comment section.